From: Kit Barker <>
Date: 12/02/2015 00:19:21 UTC
Subject: International Conference Date Saver : Private Law in the 21st Century

Dear All,


International Conference Date Saver: Private Law in the 21st Century December 14th-15th 2015, Brisbane, Australia


The Australian Centre of Private law at the TC Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland is delighted to announce the above conference, which will be hosted in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia on the 14th-15th December this year.  


Key Note Speakers for the event include:


Professor Andrew Burrows, University of Oxford

Professor Hanoch Dagan, University of Tel-Aviv

The Hon James Edelman, Federal Court of Australia

Dame Hazel Genn, University College, London

Professor Ken Oliphant, University of Bristol

Professor Henry Smith, Harvard University


The purpose of the conference is to discuss the intensifying challenges that the private law is likely to face over the coming twenty to thirty years (substantive, structural and procedural),  to provide a forum for their discussion both nationally and internationally; and to adumbrate potential solutions.  


A call for papers, together with further details of some of the themes of the conference and logistical information will follow in due course.


We hope very much  that you will be able to join us for this event.